Legal Practice

Our Service Areas

Road Traffic Accidents

Our dedicated Road Traffic Accident team can help you get the compensation.

Personal Injuries

If you have been involved in any kind of accident that wasn’t your fault, then we can help you.

Accidents in Public Places

TPC Solicitors can help with a wide variety of public place accidents. So please contact us

Accidents at Work

To learn more about accident at work claims or start your claim, please contact Us.

Fatal Accidents

If you’re unsure of your legal rights or your best course of action after a fatal accident, contact us.

Credit Hire

We can recover losses you have incurred by using a vehicle from a third party company and your damaged.


The process of ending a marriage after being married for at least 1 year and the marriage has broken down.

Financial Settlements

The process of dividing property, savings, pensions and investments upon the breakdown of a marriage.

Spouse Visa

To join your spouse in the UK you must be married or a civil partner to a British citizen or to a settled person.

Nationality Application

Apply for British citizenship if you’ve lived in the UK for 5 years following a grant of ILR

Skilled Worker

This visa will allow you come and work in the UK providing that you will work for a UK employer.

Indefinite Leave to Remain

This can be as a refugee, through human protection, discretionary protection, returning to UK having ILR

Visit Visa

A standard visit is usually 6 months with permitted activities such as volunteering for a charity for up to 30 days.

Student Visa

The provider must be a licensed student sponsor who will give a Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS)

Global Talent Visa

UK Global Talent visa is an unsponsored work route for workers operating in certain professional fields.

Graduate Visa

Graduate visa lasts 2 years and if you have a PHD or other doctorate qualification it will last for 3 years.


 If you are in the UK you have 14 days to appeal from the date the decision notice was sent.

Administrative Review

If you do not have a right of appeal you may ask the Home Office for an administrative review.

Victims Choose Us

Committed to Protecting what matters most.

TPC Legal Ltd offer a wide variety of legal services built around what you need most: Simple guidance, straightforward support and a helping hand throughout every step of your legal process.

Stress-Free Service Excellent Client Care

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